Yes, we made a step. 
A step not only of courage and wit, but more, a step of faith. 
We will be honest with you, as we promised to be from the onset. 
When we set out to officially team up as SquadGoalsKe, we anticipated much, but little of the thrill we are now experiencing. I wouldn't say we had put much thought to it, neither any structures nor buffers. 
We had been great friends. We had so many common interests. We loved the whole idea of pulling effort and resources together. After all there would be something for everyone. At the least, we would have a platform  to be useful to society, probably a chance to redeem our fast passing lives.
So we, essentially just jumped in.
All too excited .  

We have been sitting here, In this meeting room, thirty minutes now. Seven beautiful young women. Our clients will be ready for us anytime now. No one is saying anything. The atmosphere is tangibly tense. There seems to be a lot to be said. But who will say it? And if they do, who will listen?!  
By now,  there is some irrefutable sense of antagonism: three against four. What looks like a perfect drifting off of the now mighty SquadGoalsKe. 

It is what it is. But someone must take responsibility before our clients come and we spew it all on them. 

'We won't just sit here and pretend we are okay. '
The interim team leader finally speaks up. 
'We honestly got to talk. We can't pull this event looking like this'
She is met with blank stares and some 'who-made-you-ruler-over-us' glares. 
'I know we are all mad and hurt. With good reason.'
She too now is getting emotional. 
'The more reason we got to let it out. If at all we are to move. '

'I don't like how insensitive and inconsiderate people are in here'
One member bursts out, off her head. 

'It hurts honestly. '
Another throws in a rant. 

'C'mon people! We got to grow up and stop being overly sensitive. Stuff happen everytime! '
Yet another interjection.

by this time, the leader is glad people are finally letting their frustrations out. She's however concerned that it might get ugly in a second if not contained. Especially now that one member is already breaking down and the rest, speaking on, mindless. 

When we got the call for the event, we had not anticipated it. At least not so soon. We had just started putting up our works on the website and social media. Honestly, even when we put the 'call now' button on our facebook page, we did not imagine anyone would click on it. 
But it appears we were wrong. 
Here was a client, needing a job done the following day, early morning. Talk of short notice. But who cares about notice when it's the first call,  first client, first big job!  We all had to do this. Whatever its cost! Not so much for the pay. We knew that that kind of a job would give us a tangible milestone in our works. The client was high-end and that would be good for our profile. 

What this meant is, some people had to miss class the following morning, others had to counsel some appointments, others had to take a day  off their regular jobs, yet others had just gotten themselves a 'plot' for the day. Whatever one had to do,  the seven of us had to be in. And this, became the genesis of the strife: Making one life, out of seven! 

The outburst in the room has subsided. Though the atmosphere is somewhat dense. We now are talking. Objectively. Everyone. Now a bit sensitive and considerate. Sisterly. But, bluntantly.
Some of the members feel they made to huge a sacrifice and ought to have been given some consideration. Another feels the 'self-impossed-leader' was acting all haughty and bossy, yet all members have equal stakes.  Yet another complaint that there hasn't  proper communication through the member coordinating with the client. Especially this! Is that not the reason we are in this room. Having to wait two hours! 

"I feel like someone should just pray."
One says, low toned but loud enough. 
All heads bow. 
The craziest and seemingly least affected offers to pray over the rest. 
Oh boy!  Is this not all we needed?! 
With the Amen came outbursts of laughter. Partly because she says some interestingly 'silly things' to the Lord about the rest of us. Especially when she says... '...and Lord help some of us to stop 'Catching Feelings alot'... that if we must cry it be in joy for what You've done... ' at this point most of us can't hold it in. We open our eyes to look at her. Only to find her disdained eyes on those of us who had been crying. 
'...yes Lord. May our eyes only open, if they must,  to see only Your glory and not one anothers' faults...oh that You may blind us to trivial things! ..'
She continues, ignoring our stares. 
We throw in a little 'Yes Lord's and 'hallelujah's. And finally break  out in bursts of laughter once she is done.

'Oh well now. That's over and done with. ' 
'Yes. Could we now do a formal meeting? '
'Yeah. It's about time'
'I'll do the minutes'
'First on the agenda we can have: leadership , roles and duties-whatever you find most fit'
'And objectives, mission, vision.. those things, you know'
'Wait! '

There's a seemingly coordinated stream of thought in the room. Everyone is involved. 

'I think membership ought be first. Like do we all want to be part of this? '
'If anyone is leaving, now is the best time to. Before we event get started. '
There's a quick moment of silence. Glares are briefly exchange across the table. Probably looking for an 'exitor'. It is that definitive moment when each has a soul search. What really would make one stay even at such moments? Could there be a reason that would keep us together over and above the shakeups that are now seemingly inevitable? It's clear. That unless everyone has some fortified convictions on the why's of being apart of Squad, they wouldn't stay long. Not past today!

There's is silence. A flash of peace and satisfaction.

'Does that mean we are all in? '

Everyone speaks for themselves, with a brief,  'yes' or 'I'm in'

'Great! Let's get rolling'

Our clients are soon here. One signals us to follow them in to the next room. Everyone is ready for us. It looks like SquadGoalsKe got some pace to set. Oh well,  ain't we GOLD?!


  1. This day yaani!
    Wacha Mungu Aitwe Mungu

  2. We did well..despite the hickups ,the day was a success ..

  3. That was an amazing perspective and i loved reading through it. ..may this year be a rich one for you guys..both in peace,favor and opportunities


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